We Need to Build Community More than Ever
Since November, there has been another increase in the amount of people looking to support Black Owned Businesses in what is an uncertain time. So many people are actively against the idea of diversity initiatives and minority representation. Now is a time that as a group, we need to be more invested in moving as a collective to help our communities. Supporting Black Owned helps in a variety of ways. It provides opportunities for people to leave corporate jobs and build their own things. This is an economic benefit. As they grow, they also need other services and employees, and they tend to incorporate others that look like them. This is what the economy is based upon. Ultimately, the goal is for black owned businesses to be able to hire, invest in our communities, and advocate for causes that are good for them and hopefully good for us.
However, the one thing that can blunt the momentum that we are seeing, is the difficulty some people have with knowing where to start. It can feel overwhelming when you search out Black Owned Businesses through social media or online. Some of the areas where black brands are concentrated can make it difficult to make a choice.Sometimes, it can be hard to find the items that you want and need from Black Businesses, especially if you are looking locally. Today, we want to help you with figuring out how to start, and make buying black owned a lifestyle.
Do Your Research
- Start to look for Black Owned Brands and take note of them. That includes writing them down, visiting social media pages that specialize in Black Owned Businesses like Retail While Black or Black Woman Owned, and visiting directories like Buy Black Main Street. This will help you to build out a list of options that you can use to work from.
- Follow and Share businesses on social media. Visit their websites to find out what outlets they use to distribute and join their newsletters.
Keep It Simple
- Find one or two businesses that you would like to support in areas that you use often. Hair care, coffee, and local restaurants are great ways to get started. Pick out a brand and place an order for something that you know you will use. Don’t try to find the most obscure Black Owned Brands that you can, look for them in your normal stores or shopping channels.
- Don’t try to save the world at once. Try one category and find one or two brands you really like and continue to support them. Try multiple brands to find one that speaks to you. Black owned Brands are just like any other, they each have their own benefits.
Make it a Habit
- Make a plan that is easy for you to follow. Create a schedule for when you will look to make a new purchase. Once every two weeks or once a month when you get started choosing new brands to try helps to simplify things. You can just pick the business and place your order.
- Take the effort to look around for special occasions. Every Holiday and Birthday is an opportunity to incorporate Black Owned Businesses into your habits. You can check out our helpful guides here to get inspired and find categories to check out. If you are following businesses and keeping your eyes open, you can find great items for the people in your life.
Share With others
- Share your purchases on social media and tell your friends about the items you have purchased. Make sure that you go and leave reviews for items that you enjoy. Reviews are some of the best ways that independent brands can gain the trust of new customers. You can also purchase gift cards from businesses and give them away as gifts.
It’s not hard to make buying black part of your daily lifestyle. You just have to take it one step at a time and not rush things. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed and take the time to find a variety of businesses to support. It makes it easier when you know there is a wider range of businesses for you to support in different categories. It allows you the freedom to breathe and try new things and not force yourself into buying in categories that you don’t need right away.
With a little bit of effort and time, we can all make Black Owned Businesses more successful and help them to be a crucial part of our communities.