Of course, for the New Year after all of the celebrations, would be National Personal Trainer Awareness day. This is the time when people normally try to make a focused effort on their health. More than ever, exercise has become important and trainers both in person and virtual have proven to be crucial. So while you go and order some fresh activewear from one of our directory members (click here for Activewear), let us help you find someone to get the most out of your efforts. Here are some Black Personal Trainers for you to follow as you work on your health.
Coach Chris (@Goapefit.md)

In the Baltimore Area, this trainer is available for in person and virtual training. He also works with young soccer players as they improve their skills. For the non-athlete he is effective at increasing your endurance and helping you hit your goals.
Jeanette Jenkins (@msjeanettejenkins)

Ms Jeanette Jenkins is the Hollywood Trainer. This 30 year veteran of the fitness industry works with the like of Alicia Keys and other celebrities. You can get the same type of workouts through her website and sign up for live classes or programs that you do on your own. Either way, you know that what you get has a track record.
Frantzcesca Casimir (@frantzcesca.casimir)

This active duty soldier and workout warrior has amazing arms. Known as Fancy-Fit, Frantzcesca offers up workout programs via her website but her instagram posts are powerful, offering words of encouragement beyond the normal statements. She understands how difficult it can be to lose weight, sculpt and tone and preaches discipline and consistency.
PYT Training Studio (@PYTTrainingStudio)

While not a celebrity trainer (yet), PYT Training Studio founder India Roseborough already is showing results for clients of this new studio located in the Hampden area of Baltimore. If you’re not able to get to the studio, don’t fret, PYT offers virtual training and consultations on a 1 on 1 or a group basis. Part of the mission of PYT is to make getting started less intimidating for newcomers and ease their entry into the world of fitness. They also offer meal prep to make it even easier to get started.
Ty Daye (@iamTyDaye)

Ty Daye is not your average male fitness influencer or trainer. Instead of focusing on the weight room, his focus is the benefits of yoga. Through his website, Every Daye Yoga, he shows how yoga is not just something trendy for women to take part in.
Brendan Ayanbadejo (@brendan310)

While training isn’t his primary job, former NFL player Brendan Ayanbadejo is still involved in the health field as well as his other civil rights and philanthropic efforts. The Super Bowl champion offers up classes on the FitOn App and as you can see, he isn’t one of the players who eschewed working out upon his retirement.
The Ride Seattle (@therideSeattle)

You have an exercise bike at home? Don’t pay for those Pelaton classes, The Ride Seattle is a more intimate option. Founder AINA Oyewole-williams brings energy and a connection to her classes. (They say a picture says a thousand words and the feed for Ride is kind of amazing). Hit up the website for the ride (they’re in the directory) and order up a pack of classes if this is your thing.
Selena Watkins (@selenawatkins)

If some of these workouts may seem intimidating or boring, then Selena Watkins may have a program for you. Socanomics is a dance based workout program that brings fun and energy to your routine. The 2012 Miss Black USA leads an impressive group of trainers in the program.
Magda Civil (@magdacivil)

Magda Civil is a New jersey based trainer who didn’t miss a step after the birth of her daughter. This trainer offers virtual programs, in person training and meal and workout plans.